Thursday, March 22, 2007

Comic Relief (the childhood version)

Conversations from today:
Tatum was coloring in one of her coloring books. She asked me which animal she should color pink and purple. I said, color the octopus pink and the dog purple. This went back and forth for several minutes until she made it a little easier for me to understand.
"Which people do you want me to color pink and purple with no spots, with a tail, with long ears?"
"Uh, the dog?"
"Yep, you're right."

I was feeling adventurous and took the kids (yes, all 4) to Cici's Pizza buffet. Of course, they had to coerce me out of quarters for the goofy little toys out of the machines. Tanner got some "bling", as he calls it, AKA dog tags. So, he's reading the tags, and asking what's this mean, what's that mean?
Tanner: What does blood type mean?
Me: It's the type of blood you have.
Tanner: What type do I have?
Travis: "Red."

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

This child of mine.....

is going to be the death of me. Remember the post below and how angelic he looked.....

I always thought that Tatum was the most trying of the four. But Teagan is slowly proving me wrong. Yeah, Tatum was the artiste and colored every surface in the house, but Teagan is just plain destructive. By 8:30 in the morning I had stopped him from dumping water onto a brand new toilet paper roll (yes, several have ended up soaked in the past), stopped him from dunking baby wipes into the toilet, chased him out from under the bathroom sink, and the worst of it.....

I lit a candle on the dining room table, which has been lit for the last couple days without anyone bothering it. Apparently, you shouldn't put it on a table where a toddler can climb up in the chairs. After helping Tatum in the bathroom I walk out to see Teagan holding a flaming piece of something IN HIS HAND! When I lit the candle, I told him not to blow it out and not to touch it. So instead, he stuck an obviously flammable Mardi Gras coin into the flame. It probably wouldn't have bothered him if I hadn't come running across the room screaming. A couple small pieces of plastic stuck to his wrist, but other than that, he was unscathed. He has a tiny little blister on his wrist now. It wasn't until about 10 minutes later that I noticed a small piece stuck to my hand too. So now I have a matching blister on my hand. It doesn't hurt, just itches a little.

Teagan of course, is back to his antics and doesn't seem to mind.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Ahhh, bliss......

For those of you who don't remember, refer to the big boy post from Feb 22. I mistakenly thought that toddler beds were for...... toddlers. Apparently, they should actually be called preschooler beds as no toddler who has any sense of adventure will actually stay in it. Unless, of course, they are held every night in front of the TV until they pass out. Uh, see the pic above. This is how we've been putting Teagan "to bed" most nights. And forget naptime.
To save Mommy's sanity, nap time had to be brought back. Unfortunately, I had sold my crib. Stupidly, I should say. But, thanks to cheap cycle I found another. Yeah, it's not pretty but boy is nap time a great thing.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Baby carriers

Ask anyone who's ever used a variety of baby carriers, and they will all tell you a different one is their favorite. In my vast experience as a baby wearer (the word vast being subjective), these are my opionions.

This is the Ergo carrier. By far, the most comfortable "typical" front or back carrier there is (comparing it to a Snugli type carrier). As you can see, I could wear my toddler and my 4 yr old comfortably. Although I always have to have someone else lift the child up high in a back carry long enough for me to pull my pants back up because they always seemed to scooch down when I buckle the kid on. I generally need help with this one, although a more experienced Mom could probably do it alone. In the front carry, you have to buckle the straps up high on your back and I just can't reach them. For a back carry, I need help getting baby in the carrier, although if you had a cooperative toddler (hahahaha), you could do it by yourself. If you're leery of tying on a carrier, and you want more of a typical baby store type front or back pack, this is the one. Yes, your pocketbook might ache at first (about $90), your back will thank you. I have worn a toddler in this carrier for hours and not felt it in my back or shoulders later that day. Not to mention, it is more versatile than just a front carrier, as you can also use it as a back pack, and according to the website, for a hip carry, although I never figured that one out. There is also a newborn insert so that you can use this for really small babies too. There is a pocket on the back for a spare diaper or two, and a smaller pocket on the waist band for cash, cell phone, whatever. The flap on the back of the carrier (I had it tucked in the pocket) does pull up if baby falls asleep too so babes head isn't flopping around, and it comes with it's own carrying case. Ergo

Teagan in the Moby wrap. He really seemed to like this one tonight. Or at least he thought it was cool to hang there and pat his belly. I have to admit, I loved this wrap for infants, it was extremely comfortable and hands free. Plus there are multiple different holds you can use for an infant. I generally stuck with facing in or out, AKA the hug hold or Joey hold. For a toddler, it was hard for me to tie it on tight enough for him to not hang lower, but loose enough to be able to squeeze him in as this brand is stretchy T-shirt like material. Another brand of wrap may work better for a toddler. Wraps do have a bit of a learning curve though as they are basically really long pieces of fabric that you have to tie around you. But, they are lightweight enough that you can leave one on between stops if you are out running errands with baby. Moby Wrap

This is Teagan in my Kangaroo Korner adjustable fleece pouch. I bought this with a gift certicate right before Tatum was born. She was very high needs, demanding to be carried for the first few months. It was the greatest investment ever. Of course, Teagan was so mellow, he just snuggled down and slept for hours in there. I love this pouch for the newborn/small infant stage. I really only used it for that age, because I generally moved on to a sling. But after putting Teagan in it tonight, at almost 2 years old and 22 pounds, it was still pretty darn comfortable. The fleece pouch is adjustable with snaps (and I did adjust the snaps from where they were when he was an infant). It is sized for a right or left shoulder carry. I generally used the cradle or tummy to tummy carry with this pouch. For a toddler, I think you're pretty much stuck with a hip carry. This is probably the easiest carrier since there is no adjusting once you have the snaps in the position most comfortable for your body. You just slide it over your head and arm and drop baby in. Tanya Westerman at Kangaroo Korner was a big help to me when I first started researching sling types. Her website has great suggestions for the type of carrier you want for certain ages, situations. She sells pouches, slings, and Ergos. You can get fleece, cotton, or solarveil pouches. The fleece pouch retails for $60-66. (And Krista, they do have a penguin print!) Oh, and her site has gift cards.
I guess he was about 11 days old in this pic.

Once my kids were past this stage, I moved on to a padded ring sling. I have used an Over the Shoulder Baby Holder for my youngest three, but there are many, many different brands available. I would have to say, a ring sling is probably the easiest to master after the pouch, and pretty dummy proof. Once you have it on, you simply adjust the snugness by pulling the tail tighter through the rings. You can use any carry with this sling too, although I generally stuck with tummy to tummy or a hip carry. With smaller babies, you can snug them in tight enough that it is basically hands free, but with older kids, you will probably need an arm around their back for support. I have always used a padded sling, but alot of people prefer the unpadded slings, like a Maya. I have no pics of this one as it is out on loan right now to a friend with a new baby (well, she's 5 months old now).

I used a Chinese style carrier called a Mei tai on a few occasions. There are many, many different Mei Tais out there in beautiful prints. So picking just one can be difficult. (Trust me, you'll become an addict) I had a Kozy carrier made by Kelley Mason at Kozy. The nice thing about the Mei Tai is Mom and Dad can both wear it. It does not have to be sized to fit or adjusted as it is tied on. I think Dads might be more apt to wear a Mei Tai over a sling just because it resembles a typical baby carrier while a sling seems more "girly". Again, compared to a commercial baby store type carrier, a Mei Tai is much more comfortable. If you check out the website, you'll see you can use it for a front, back or hip carry. I only used it for a front carry because Teagan would get pissed off on my back, and I honestly, never tried a hip carry with it, opting for my sling instead. He and I were comfortable enough with the Kozy though, to spend several hours walking around downtown Boston with it. He slept, and my back thanked me later. Like the Moby, it has a bit of a learning curve for getting it on, and has to be readjusted every time you take baby in and out, so it's not practical to wear under your coat. It retails for about $79. No pics of this one either since I sold it. I think I actually preferred my Ergo over the Kozy, although if I was looking for something more attractive, I would have to pick a Mei Tai.

Two other sites I like: Firefly Baby Jennifer is my neighbor and sells Ergos, Mei Tais, wraps, and ring slings on her site.

Free Hand Baby There are a few different types of Asian carriers on that site, including a Mei Tai, Podegi, and Hmong. I have thought about a Podegi. It is similar to a Mei Tai (although Korean, I think), but with one set of straps to tie around. It seems like it would be quicker to get on, only having to tie one set of straps.

So, my suggestions?

A pouch or a ring sling is the absolute easiest carrier to put on and get baby into, especially if you are doing it by yourself. Small babies are very snug when dropped down into the pouch, but older babies will probably need one arm around them for support. I LOVED my pouch, and swore by my ring sling so much that I loaned it out to a friend who registered for an infantino sling from Target. I couldn't let her do that. :op

A wrap is very comfortable, hands free, and offers more variety of carries than a Mei Tai or Ergo. But there is a learning curve since you have to learn how to tie it on, but once on, you don't need to readjust, even if you take baby in and out. The stretchy fabric kinds may not work well for a toddler.

A mei tai is a comfortable front or back carrier that comes in a multitude of decorative fabrics (if you're looking for a "pretty" carrier). It also has a learning curve as it has to be tied on, but you can pass it back and forth between caregivers without worrying about it being too small or too big. It is alot bulkier to wear without the baby in it though, as compared to the Moby or other wrap style carrier.

The Ergo is THE ABSOLUTELY MOST COMFORTABLE BABY CARRIER if you want a "typical" looking store bought carrier like a Snugli, Infantino, Baby Bjorn, etc. There are a few straps and buckles to get figured out, but it is pretty easy once you do.

Okay, an additional note at the request of my sister. Apparently, Guangzhou gets pretty hot. In my opionion, a solarveil or mesh pouch would be pretty light weight, and again, very easy to get on and off and take baby in and out of. And, it's going to give you more face to face time which is important for bonding. The Ergo is very comfortable for long hours of carrying, but, your back or front is going to sweat, and it's more work to get baby in and out of. For more info on slings for climate see Weather


I bought Tatum a pair of Crocs just for the fun of it. She loves them. Of course, the first thing she said when she put them on was "I need to get a ladybug and a penguin and a flower...." Mommy opted for a princess crown and her name. Now, if I can just keep them off of her baby brother.