Sunday, April 04, 2010

First quarter recap

Looking back at the goals for 2010:

•Lose 10 pounds.
Uh, thoroughly sucking at that. Lose one, gain one, and so on, and so forth. Enough said.

•Pay off 2 credit accounts.
Done! Paid off both of my credit cards. And a student loan, and my Invisalign account. Woowoo!

•Stay in school.
Quarter #7 starts Monday. I have apparently lost my mind and decided to take 4 classes this time around. If you never hear from me again, you'll know why.


Erykah said...

You are my inspiration Carla! Way to go on your goals!

Wendy said...

wow! i wish i could pay off some bills! and i know you will do great in school! hang in there!

Sarah in MT said...

You just keep impressing me no end! Congrats on setting - and reaching! - those goals. Good job!