Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Big Sis!

My big sis, the greatest aunt in the world, is having a birthday today! Not sure if she has any special plans, since it it Friday the 13th and all, but I'm sure if she does, it involves margaritas. She will be..... older than me... today. :op What am I saying? She's always older than me, which of course, is why she is so much smarter and all knowing. Just teasing, Krista.
I can't say she was always the best big sister growing up, because she could be a mean little witch. But, since we've matured (and I've gotten past the throwing my favorite doll on the roof incident, and the ripping off of that same doll's head incident, oh, and the locking me out of the house causing me to kick in the glass storm door incident, oh, and the encouraging me to ride Barbie's motor home down an insanely long hill resulting in me sliding face first down said hill, with my mouth open, requiring multiple stitches incident, oh, and even further back, encouraging me to sit in the open bedroom window resulting in me falling out into a sticker bush incident), I couldn't imagine not having her for a sister.
She is always there for me (and no longer causes me physical or emotional pain except for this), and is an absolutely amazing aunt. I am so thankful my children have her in their lives.
Happy Birthday Krista!


Special K said...

Awwww, thanks. I have no recollection of any of those incidents. I think perhaps you have me confused with someone else.

PS. I had margaritas last night. (Am I that predictable? LOL!) After I took my friend Christine to the same tattoo parlor. How weird is that, eh? But today will be nothing special. I have the day off work cuz I worked last Sunday. However the court system screwed me with 2 hearings today so I have to go in anyway (but on overtime so it's not all bad). Then go to the BMV to renew DL and plates. Then work my 2nd job. Exciting times. LOL!

Alison said...

Happy Birthday to Krista :) She shares a bday with my oldest, Calista :)

Anonymous said...

Golly, Carla, how did you survive??? I thought I had it bad with 4 brothers but, gee whiz, you had a rough childhood. lol. But, hey, all those incidents made you two close and the sisters that you are today! You girls are very lucky to have each other. Wish I had a sister!