Monday, August 31, 2009


My garden has been good to me.But I have not been good to it. This is what a week or two of neglect and then a week out of town will do to a garden.
This is what it used to look like. Before I neglected it.

And what is that? I didn't plant any pumpkin. I did throw the jack o lanterns in my compost pile last year though. I don't know if you can tell, but that's a broccoli plant there next to the pumpkin. If you look in the picture above, the broccoli is just on this edge of the garden. The pumpkin plant? It started way back in the other corner by the black compost bin.
What am I supposed to do with this? No, not the sink full of dishes. I know what to do with that, but I had to wait for a kid to get home from school to unload the dishwasher. Wouldn't want to deprive him of the joy of chores, you know. I'm talking about the sink full of tomatoes. I've given 2 bags away at work, gave some to my neighbor, froze 4 gallon bags and am still buried in tomatoes. Help!

What do you do when life gives you tomatoes? Make spaghetti sauce!

This was my first try at homemade sauce.

It was yummy!
(Yeah, I know, my noodles look funny. It's half whole wheat and half regular. I've got to sneak the good stuff in somehow).

Just a quick update on the school front:
  • the kids have survived the first couple weeks of school.
  • I'm almost finished with my 4th quarter. Just two more assignments.
  • Bobby is doing really well in school with an A average. He did super duper at the gun range. Had a perfect score the first day they went out and passed all his uh, exams the first time. (Is it called an exam when you run around with a gun and shoot things?) I guess it would be qualifications. Whatever. He done good. :op

Anyway, I'm off to Georgia for a birth center workshop so I'll catch up with ya'll later!


Debbie said...

Your garden looks like ours....the neglect part! wish I lived closer, would love some of those tomatoes. Your sauce looks good. You go, girl! Glad everyone is doing so well in school, you and Bobby too!!

Wendy said...

Look at all those tomatos! Hey, I wasn't at work when you decided to GIVE them away! I would have taken some! lol looks like some yummy spaghetti sauce!

Looks like you guys are doing great on the school front! Congrats!