Friday, August 01, 2008


Another appt and another 2 pounds. Ugh! That brings the total up to 24 pounds. I was hoping to keep it to a bare minimum, like 10 pounds. :op Nothing too interesting going on. My feet and ankles are still swollen, and everything else is normal. I'm measuring 36 weeks, which looking down, makes sense. It seems like my belly is a little lower, so I'm thinking she has dropped, which could explain why I feel like I need to use the bathroom everytime I have a contraction.

I'm hoping we only have one more week left. I'm physically ready to be done, although not sure I'm mentally ready yet. I still feel like there's so much to get done. Although, I'm sure the rest of the family is ready for me to be past the supreme irritability stage.

Tanner took these pics. Of course, I was giving him directions, which explains why my mouth is hanging open.
And to compare, this last one is 34 weeks in the same shirt.
And a couple gratuitous sleeping children pics. Aren't they sweet like this?

1 comment:

Special K said...

Well now that's an interesting position to sleep in, Tatum.